Top 10 Task Management Tools for iOS Users

Are you an iOS user looking for the best task management tools to help you stay organized and productive? Look no further! We've compiled a list of the top 10 task management tools for iOS users that will help you manage your tasks, stay on top of deadlines, and achieve your goals.

1. Todoist

Todoist is a popular task management tool that is available on iOS, Android, and the web. With Todoist, you can create tasks, set due dates, and organize your tasks into projects and sub-projects. You can also add labels, priorities, and reminders to your tasks to help you stay on track. Todoist also offers a Karma system that rewards you for completing tasks and staying productive.

2. Trello

Trello is a visual task management tool that uses boards, lists, and cards to help you organize your tasks. With Trello, you can create boards for different projects, add lists for different stages of your project, and add cards for individual tasks. You can also add due dates, labels, and attachments to your cards to help you stay organized. Trello also offers a mobile app for iOS users.

3. Things 3

Things 3 is a task management tool that is designed specifically for iOS users. With Things 3, you can create tasks, set due dates, and organize your tasks into projects and areas. You can also add tags, notes, and checklists to your tasks to help you stay organized. Things 3 also offers a Today view that shows you all of your tasks for the day.

4. OmniFocus

OmniFocus is a task management tool that is designed for iOS and Mac users. With OmniFocus, you can create tasks, set due dates, and organize your tasks into projects and contexts. You can also add tags, notes, and attachments to your tasks to help you stay organized. OmniFocus also offers a Forecast view that shows you all of your tasks for the day, week, and month.

5. Asana

Asana is a popular task management tool that is available on iOS, Android, and the web. With Asana, you can create tasks, set due dates, and organize your tasks into projects and teams. You can also add tags, notes, and attachments to your tasks to help you stay organized. Asana also offers a mobile app for iOS users.

6. Wunderlist

Wunderlist is a task management tool that is available on iOS, Android, and the web. With Wunderlist, you can create tasks, set due dates, and organize your tasks into lists and folders. You can also add notes, reminders, and sub-tasks to your tasks to help you stay organized. Wunderlist also offers a mobile app for iOS users.

7. is a task management tool that is available on iOS, Android, and the web. With, you can create tasks, set due dates, and organize your tasks into lists and folders. You can also add notes, reminders, and sub-tasks to your tasks to help you stay organized. also offers a mobile app for iOS users.

8. Remember The Milk

Remember The Milk is a task management tool that is available on iOS, Android, and the web. With Remember The Milk, you can create tasks, set due dates, and organize your tasks into lists and tags. You can also add notes, reminders, and sub-tasks to your tasks to help you stay organized. Remember The Milk also offers a mobile app for iOS users.

9. Google Tasks

Google Tasks is a task management tool that is available on iOS, Android, and the web. With Google Tasks, you can create tasks, set due dates, and organize your tasks into lists. You can also add notes and sub-tasks to your tasks to help you stay organized. Google Tasks also integrates with other Google apps, such as Gmail and Google Calendar.

10. TickTick

TickTick is a task management tool that is available on iOS, Android, and the web. With TickTick, you can create tasks, set due dates, and organize your tasks into lists and folders. You can also add notes, reminders, and sub-tasks to your tasks to help you stay organized. TickTick also offers a mobile app for iOS users.


In conclusion, there are many task management tools available for iOS users that can help you stay organized and productive. Whether you prefer a visual tool like Trello or a more traditional tool like Todoist, there is a task management tool out there that will meet your needs. So why not give one of these top 10 task management tools a try and see how it can help you achieve your goals?

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Written by AI researcher, Haskell Ruska, PhD ( Scientific Journal of AI 2023, Peer Reviewed